Celebrities Who Were In The Military


There are many celebrities who were in the military who signed up to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country. Many well-known faces have served 2014 some were drafted, while others listed voluntarily.

When you see the likes of Elvis Presley or rapper-actor Ice-T going through basic training, it really illustrates how much heart it takes to serve your country. Here are just some of those heroic soldiers who would go on to become a famous face.

Jimmy Stewart

John Springer Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)

Stewart was considered to be the first Hollywood star to join the Army during WWII. His first attempt to enlist came in 1940, but his weight wouldn't allow him to join. So, Stewart went ahead and joined the Air Corps where he was promoted to squadron commander in the 445th Bombardment Group.

In 1968, the actor left the Air Force, with the United States awarding him with a Distinguished Flying Cross for his service.